


Formation doctorale



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Informations générales
Nom & Prénom : AMAIRI Messaoud
Date de naissance : Dimanche 13 Avril 1980 à Tataouine
Situation familiale : Marié
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Ecole Nationale d'ingénieurs de Gabès

Rue Omar Ibn el Khattab, 6029, Zrig


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Scolarité & Diplômes
  • Diplôme d'habilitation (2017)
  • Diplôme de doctorat (2011)
  • Doplôme d'ingénieur (2004)
  • Diplôme de Bac (1999)
  • Systèmes à Microprocesseur (2ème année GEA)
  • Techniques de mise en oeuvre (3ème année GEA et Mastère GE SIER 2ème année)
  • Méthodes par intervalles (Mastère GE SIER 2ème année)

[1] M. AMAIRI, Recursive Set-Membership Parameter Estimation Using Fractional Model, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing. (2015).

[2] M. Amairi, M. Aoun, S. Najar, M.N. Abdelkrim, New method for the resolution of fractional orders differential equations: Application to the simulation of fractional systems, International Review on Modelling and Simulations. 3 (2010) 265–271.

[3] M. Amairi, M. Aoun, S. Najar, M.N. Abdelkrim, Set membership parameter estimation of linear fractional systems using parallelotopes, International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2012 - Summary Proceedings. (2012).

[4] M. Amairi, S. Najar, M. Aoun, Z. Lassoued, M.N. Abdelkrim, OBE-based Set-Membership Parameter Estimation of Fractional Models, in: N. Derbel (Ed.), Systems, Analysis and Automatic Control, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2016.

[5] M. Aoun, M. Amairi, S. Najar, M.N. Abdelkrim, Simulation method of fractional systems based on the discrete-time approximation of the Caputo fractional derivatives, International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD’11 - Summary Proceedings. (2011).

[6] A. Ben Hmed, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, Stabilizing fractional order controller design for first and second order systems, 12th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2015. (2015).

[7] A. Ben Hmed, M. Amairi, S. Najar, M. Aoun, Resonance study of an elementary fractional transfer function of the third kind, 2014 International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, ICFDA 2014. (2014).

[8] M. Dkhil, T.N. Dinh, Z. Wang, T. Raissi, M. Amairi, Interval Estimation for Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems Based on Linfty Observer and Ellipsoid Analysis, IEEE Control Systems Letters. 5 (2021) 13–18.

[9] H. Ethabet, T. Raïssi, M. Amairi, C. Combastel, M. Aoun, Interval observer design for continuous-time switched systems under known switching and unknown inputs, International Journal of Control. (2018) 1–14.

[10] A. Guefrachi, S. Najar, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, Tuning of a Pix+iyD Fractional Complex Order Controller, 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2017. (2017) 643–648.

[11] S.E. Hamdi, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, Orthotopic set-membership parameter estimation of fractional order model, in: 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Institute of Electrical, 2016.

[12] S.E. Hamdi, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, Recursive set-membership parameter estimation of fractional systems using orthotopic approach, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 40 (2018) 4185–4197.

[13] S.E. Hamdi, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, M.N. Abdelkrim, Interval state observer design for fractional systems, 2013 10th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, SSD 2013. (2013).

[14] A.B. Hmed, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, Robust stabilization and control using fractional order integrator, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. (2016).

[15] R. Lamouchi, M. Amairi, T. Raissi, M. Aoun, Interval observer design for Linear Parameter-Varying systems subject to component faults, in: 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Institute of Electrical, 2016.

[16] R. Lamouchi, T. Raïssi, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, Interval observer framework for Fault Tolerant Control of Linear Parameter-Varying systems, International Journal of Control. (2017) 1–16.

[17] R. Lamouchi, T. Raissi, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, On interval observer design for active Fault Tolerant Control of Linear Parameter-Varying systems, Systems & Control Letters. 164 (2022) 105218.

[18] B. Saidi, M. Amairi, S. Najar, M. Aoun, Digital Design of Robust Fractional PID Controller for Uncertain Systems, International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS). 9 (2016) 389.

[19] M.L. Wardi, M. Amairi, M.N. Abdelkrim, Robust fractional control of a two time scale system, in: 2015 16th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA), Institute of Electrical, 2015.

[20] Z. Yakoub, M. Amairi, M. Aoun, M. Chetoui, On the fractional closed-loop linear parameter varying system identification under noise corrupted scheduling and output signal measurements, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. (2019).

[21] Z. Yakoub, M. Amairi, M. Chetoui, B. Saidi, M. Aoun, Model-free adaptive fractional order control of stable linear time-varying systems, ISA Transactions. (2017).

[22] Z. Yakoub, O. Naifar, M. Amairi, M. Chetoui, M. Aoun, A.B. Makhlouf, A Bias-Corrected Method for Fractional Linear Parameter Varying Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2022 (2022) 1–14.

[23] B. Yousfi, T. Raïssi, M. Amairi, D. Gucik-Derigny, M. Aoun, Robust state estimation for singularly perturbed systems, International Journal of Control. (2016) 1–14.

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